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Friday, September 11, 2015

Chapter 14- The Empty Rocker

The Empty Rocker
“We all do a lot of planning for the future and I’ve done a lot of thinking along that line myself.  I fear that I’ll never be able to go back to the classroom and earn my living there again.”

Bill Allen in letter sent to Aunt Mabel November 12, 1944

When we study war in school, we always talk about the “soldiers.” We talk about how many “soldiers” die. We need to remember these soldiers are sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters, who are lost to families.

As young children play, parents smile and dream about their future. This little rocker belonged to William Allen as a child. I am sure after his death in WW2, his mother and father looked at this empty rocker and thought about the hopes and dreams they had for a little Bill. Not just soldiers sacrificed but their families did too.

Elizabeth (Bill's sister) wrote the following about her brother:
He set aside his future plans
His every youthful hope and dream
He visioned all mankind his friends
And gave for them the gift supreme.

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